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We gratefully acknowledge the support of our current funders (2018-19):

An Ark for Iraq is funded by the British Council’s Cultural Protection Fund, which is set up in partnership with the DCMS with the aim of protecting cultural heritage at risk due to conflict in the Middle East and North Africa.

Thesiger's Tarada is funded by a Research Grant Award from Nahrein Network, which aims to foster the sustainable development of antiquity, heritage and the humanities in post-conflict Iraq and its neighbours. Nahrein Network is based at University College London and supported by an AHRC Global Challenges Research Fund grant.
We also thank the many organisations and individuals who have supported the development of our work in its early stages (2015-2017), financially, practically and through their belief and encouragement. Organisational supporters are listed below, while individuals who have supported the project are acknowledged in the Ark Re-imagined Overview.

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